Antler Edge
Antler Edge® isn’t just a whitetail deer attractant. It's a nutrient-rich, protein-packed powerhouse designed to grow big-bodied bucks with mammoth antlers.

Do you like big deer? So do we!
Our goal?
Provide you, the dedicated whitetail hunter, with robust products that will help you kill big deer on YOUR terms.
Our sweet and savory blends put deer where you need them and keeps them coming back. No food plot required.
High nutrition. Quality ingredients. Intense appetite stimulation.
Antler Edge® is formulated for optimal results to give YOU the edge over that cunning mature buck.
No fillers. No cattle salt is packaged in a “deer feed” bag. No least-cost rations.
That is our guarantee.
Always in a state of continuous improvement, we have run thousands of tests to measure the effectiveness of our products.
With continued testing, surveys, and trail camera monitoring all year long, we never rest.
Whitetail is all we do.
If you want to pull deer to your treestand, hold them where
you can hunt them, and provide the best available nutrition, Antler Edge® is ready to help.
Are you ready to grow your herd?